Anna Wintour, known as that terribly honest, frightening woman with her trademark bob haircut and sunglasses. Her eye for fashion is honored by many fashion designers and she is praised for her support for young teenagers and because of her demanding personality she earned her the nickname "Nuclear Wintour".
She´s now 61 years old and her life is dedicated to her job as an editor-in-chief of American Vogue. Her passion for mode has been since she was a little child from issues of Seventeen. In document the September Issue she said that it was her dad who really decided for her that she should work in fashion. First she became a fashion editor of Harper's Bazaar but eventually she ended up in Vogue.
Now she has two children, gives help to many charities, loves Chanel suits, has to live through rumors and criticism about her and you may also know her from a movie called The Devil Wears Prada in starring of Meryl Streep. This movie is actually a film adaptation of original book written by Anna´s assistant Lauren Weisberger.
Anna Wintour, známa ako tá strašne úprimná, hrôzu naháňajúca žena s jej neprehliadnuteľným imidžom , tzv. bôbovým účesom a okuliarmi a vážnou tvárou. Jej pohľad pre módu je uznávaný mnohými módnymi návrhármi a kvôli jej náročnej osobnosti sa zaslúžila o prezývku "Nuclear Wintour".
Anna má teraz 61 rokov a jej život je založený na jej práci , v ktorej je známa ako šéfredaktorka amerického Vogue. Jej vášeň pre módu začal z magazína Seventeen, už keď bola malé dievčatko. V dokumente the September Issue povedala, že to bol jej otec, ktorý rozhodol za ňu, aby mala fungovať v módnom priemysle. Najprv sa stala módnou šéfredaktorkou časopisu Harper´s Bazaar, ale nakoniec skončila vo Vogue.
Teraz má dve deti, poskytuje pomoc pre mnohé charitatívne organizácie, miluje Chanel kostýmy, musí sa povzniesť ponad klebety a kritike o nej, a možno ste si ju mohli všimnúť z filmu s názvom Diabol nosí Pradu, ale s Meryl Streep v hlavnej úlohe . Tento film je vlastne filmová adaptácia knihy napísanej Anninou asistentkou, Lauren Weisbergerovou.
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